I have been a writer and artist for well over twenty-five years. My writing has been published in a diverse number of magazines, journals, anthologies, and websites; additionally, I have worked as a columnist, editor, proofreader, and book reviewer. With a focus on women’s issues, alternative spirituality, and intuitive arts, I have sought to create work that inspires, empowers, brings insight, and offers hope.
From a very young age I have followed an artistic path, having first been encouraged to express myself through art after my mother died. I studied art, art history, and philosophy at Studio 70 with Michael Skop, who had studied with Ivan Mestrovic, who had studied with Auguste Rodin. This artistic lineage has greatly influenced my approach to creative work. Art and photography of mine have been published in an interesting assortment of venues, including a Christian youth camp guidebook I was commissioned for at age sixteen, regional newspapers, a Buddhist magazine, and feminist websites. I have also enjoyed being an exhibiting artist, participating in shows at galleries in Vermont.
My work – in both art and writing – has been greatly informed by a challenging and often traumatic childhood that entailed much loss, as well as sexual assault and poverty. It is my greatest hope that my work has a positive impact on others, helping them cope and recover from their own traumatic experiences and find new strength within themselves.
Thank you very much for your interest in my work.
If you would like to see where I’ve published, please see Writing Credits for a selection.
A selection of Northern Vermont exhibits I have participated in:
Represent, S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, 2013
5 and Dime, S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, 2013
Small Works, S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, 2012-2013
Art of Horror, S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, 2012
Art of Horror, S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, Burlington, VT, 2011
Dark Art Gallery, Nightmare Vermont, South Burlington, VT, 2010